Queries - Message Board


You can send me your Gutekunst-Genealogy related queries to my email and I will post them here. Any answers to these questions that I have or should receive, I will also post here.

What I need from you is:

- your Full Name
- your Email Address

- the County and State you reside in
- your Question for other Gutekunst researchers



Just note that this website is a private initiative. Due to simple time constraints I cannot post or answer mail like this:

"Hi my name is Joe Gutekunst, my father was Fred Gutekunst,
I think they came from Germany, do you know if we are related?

No joke, I get mail like this all the time. If you write to me, please be specific in the info you send. Send (if you have) exact birth dates and birth locations, names of spouses, of children, etc.

In case you just want to say 'hi' to other Gutekunsts out there, you can alternatively go to the Gutekunst Message Boards at: -
and at: -

If you need a professional genealogist to help you with your research in Southern Germany then you may want to contact this fellow:

Good Luck with the research!


Should you want to contact the persons listed below directly, feel free to do so, but please copy to my email, so that I can post the answer also here.


Queries - Messages


..Gutekunsts of Pfrondorf, Würrtemberg (Germany) emigrate to Poland
Posted by: Don Walter <>
Date posted: 22. August 2004
Country/State: USA
Question: Rosina Gutekunst married Balthasar Schottle 24.6.1794 and emigrated out of Pfrondorf/

Württemberg (Germany) with family in 1803 to Poland. They had a daughter Barbara Schottle, b. 5 JUL 1795 in Nagold, Wurtemberg, Germany. Rosina is my 4th great-grandmother. Any information about Rosina would be most welcome.
Thank you. Don Walter

Answer posted by: Gutekunst Archive

Dear Don,
I came across this link:
I guess this is info that you posted.
The Rosina you are looking for seems to be indentical with Barbara Gutekunst (born 28. June 1771 in Schietingen), since in the parish transcrips (Ortssippenbuch p. 102, no. 1099, child no.5) we read: Barbara Gutekunst, married in Schietingen on 24. June 1794 Balthasar Schöttle, son of Jacob Schöttle, mason in Pfrondorf.

Barbara is the daughter of Johannes Gutekunst (born 01. Sept. 1740 in Schietingen) and of Anna Maria Lutz (born 30. July 1746 in Schietingen). They married 24. August 1762 in Schietingen.

The ancestral line is thus:
1) Barbara (Rosina?) Gutekunst, born 28. June 1771 in Schietingen
2) Johannes Gutekunst, born 01. Sept. 1740 in Schietingen
3) Hanss Gutekunst, born 03. Jan. 1716 in Schietingen
4) Hanss Gutekunst, baptized 14. Oct 1678 in Schietingen
5) Michael Gutekunst, born 08. March 1647 in Schietingen
6) Michael Gutekunst, born ca. 1620 in Schietingen or Gündringen
7) Michael Gutekunst, born ca. 1589 (possibly in Gündringen).

If you go to this link on my webpage you will find the above no. 4-7 there.
We are thus far related, our last common ancestor is no. 5).
Kind regards, Gutekunst Archive


..Sebastian Gutekunst in Grossjetscha, Romania
Posted by: Kathy Ward <>
Date posted: 09. March 2004
Country/State: Canada / Stoney Creek, Ontario
Question: Hi

Sebastian Gutekunst born Abt 1750 in ?, died December 31, 1833 in Grossjetscha, Romania married February 27, 1781 in Bogarosch, Romania Margaretha Pecs born Abt 1753 in ?; died March 24, 1825 in Grossjetscha, Romania.
Question: Where was Sebastian born?
Another Gutekunst researcher and I have looked through the Haiterbach Ortssippenbuch and cannot find a hint of Sebastian.
Kathy Ward (nee Mettler)



..Gutekunst/Goodart in Wabash Co., Illinois, USA
Posted by: Helen Zuber Keusch <>
Date posted: 28. March 2004
Country/State: USA
Question: Hi

I am from the line of Johannes George Gutekunst and wife Johanna Reichert, both from Haiterbach. They left the area about 1833 and came to OH. John George died in Ohio and Johanna moved with the children to Wabash Co., IL-- they are on the 1840 census. My g grandmother, Hannah Gutekunst, was born in 1835 in Crawford Co., OH-- she was the baby. Her siblings were all born in Germany. Johanna had two other children before her marriage to John George. She had children by a Michael Haizman-- John Michael "Michael" and Gottlieb. Gottlieb went by Goodart. Michael and Gottlieb owned land in IL before 1840, which is probably why Johannah came into IL after her husband died.

In Wabash Co., IL, there is another Goodart family that I cannot connect-- a Henry and Jacobina Goodart (1860 IL census of Wabash Co)-- Henry and Jacobina are in their 50's and listed as b. in Prussia. Do you know where they might connect? I thought it could possibility be a nephew of John George.
Your web page looks wonderful.
Helen Zuber Keusch




..Gutekunst in Wittenberg, Bessarabia, Russia
Posted by:   Dwayne Janke <>
Date posted:   6. October 2004
Country/State:   Calgary, Canada








Greetings from Calgary, Canada! I was very happy to discover your Gutekunst Web site while doing a casual search for Haiterbach.

My ancestor Rosina Gutekunst (b. 1783/6, Schiettingen, Wurtt.) was married to Michael Kleiss (b. 30 Dec. 1781 in ?, Wurtt.). I would love to extend this Gutekunst line further back. I am wondering if your database might have that information. Can you connect Rosina to any of the information on the Gutekunst page you include on your "Gutekunst-OSB-Schietingen" Web page? Perhaps I can make it back to Michael. Also, do you know if Michael Kleiss (alt. spelling Klaiss or Claiss) was from Schietingen? The Bessarabian church records do not say anything but "Wuerttemberg." I think you may have aware of this Gutekunst connection to Wittenberg, Bessarabia, Russia, because you mention Wittenberg on your Web site. I wanted to clarify something, however. No one with the name Gutekunst could have gone to that village in the late 1700s, as you suggest on your Web site. Wittenberg was not founded until 1815/16. For details on Wittenberg, see: I look forward to hearing from you!
Sincerely, Dwayne Janke



..Gutekunst in Herzogsweiler/Pfalzgrafenweiler - Württemberg, Germany
Posted by:   Hans Gutekunst <>
Date posted:   15. October 2004
Country/State:   Germany/Baden Württemberg




  My family lives in Herzogsweiler a section of Pfalzgrafenweiler; (12 km away from Oberschwandorf) and we have realtions in Schietingen and we had in Haiterbach.
My father's name is Johannes Gutekunst (born 1921) he had a brother called Paul (killed in the 2.World War) my grandfather's name was Johannes Gutekunst (too) he was born in 1874 and was married with Rosine Gutekunst (maiden name Weber) my grandfather had 2 sisters Katharina Gutekunst and Christina Gutekunst. Perhaps you can tell me more about our family-line or I can send you some pictures I'd be very pleased if you answer me.
bye, Hans



..Gutekunst/Goodart & related families (Zuber, Haizman, Link, Viehman)
Posted by:   Helen Zuber Keusch <>
Date posted:   19 October 2004
Country/State:   USA







Your web page is wonderful - and I am working a bit on some of these elusive Gutekunsts.

I am a gg grandaughter of Johanna Reichert Gutekunts through her daughter Hannah, who married Jacob Zuber. Johanna also had two children before she married John George Gutekunst-- George Michael Haizmen (1809) and Gottlieb (1812-- he later went by Goodart). George Michael first married Agatha Link, probably in Germany. Do you have any record on him and Agatha? I think she may have died in Germany. And he may have had one or two children by her. He later married Catherine Kaiser Viehman in IL.

I am trying to get George Michael's children sorted out.

Thanks so much. Helen Zuber Keusch


..Anna Gutekunst, born ca. 1876, married and buried in New York State, USA
Posted by:   Lloyd Both <>
Date posted:   22 October 2004
Country/State:   USA, Collin County - Texas

  I am looking for information about my grandmother. She divorced my grandfather when my father was young. Neither my father nor grandfather would talk about her. Name: Anna Gutekunst - Born about 1876 - Married Jacob Both about 1900 in Buffalo, NY - Is buried in Colden Cemetery - Colden, NY




..Gutekunst Family in the town of Schag near Timisoara, Romania
Posted by:   Ellie Reader-Popjoy <>
Date posted:   31. December 2004
Country/State:   Montgomery County, Pa., USA







Your Web site is wonderful and I've enjoyed looking at all the information on it. I have not done a great deal of work tracing my Gutekunst ancestors on my mother's side, but I have received information from relatives in Ohio. (I live in Pennsylvania).

What I know is this: My grandfather's name was Kristof Gutekunst and his father's name was Peter Gutekunst. They came to the U.S. from the town of Schag, near Timisoara, in what is now Romania. Kristof was born in 1893. Most of the family (Kristof had about 8 siblings) settled in the Cleveland area, but a few others came to Philadelphia.

My question concerns when the family may have settled in Austria-Hungary (now Romania). In what years and why did many Gutekunsts leave Germany for Austria-Hungary, in particular the Schag region? Were the reasons religious or economic or not related to either? Thank you for your help.



..Does GutekAnst have the same Origins as GutekUnst ?
Posted by:   Joe Gutekanst <>
Date posted:   12. January, 2005
Country/State:   Joe Gutekanst, North Carolina







My name is Joseph Gutekanst. There are very few Gutekansts in the United States (and probably in Germany as well!). The only Gutekansts I know are my relations (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) Though most of us Gutekansts think there may have been a misspelling of "Gutekunst" on Ellis Island when our ancestor immigrated, my grandmother always said that the original name for our family was "Gutekanst" - not "Gutekunst".

What are your thoughts on the name "Gutekanst"?

Some additional background: My grandfather (father's father): Christopher Gutekanst - came to the US around the latter part of the 1800s My grandmother (father's mother): Inez Marguerite Porter (maiden name) Gutekanst.

Most of my family still resides in the Chicago (Illinois) area. There is mention of ancestors residing in Michigan and Pennsylvania. We were always told that the family came from Stuttgart. Thanks for any information you may be able to pass my way.



..Margaret "Peggy" Gutekunst, born ca. 1769 in Weisenberg Township, PA.
Posted by:   Lisa Bianco <>
Date posted:   15. January 2005
Country/State:   Newhall, Los Angeles County, CA
Question:   I am looking for any info I can find re Margaret (AKA "Peggy") Gutekunst, thought to be born ca 1769 in Weisenberg Township, Lehigh, PA or Northampton, PA. She married William (AKA "Wilhelm") Hoback (Hubach) ca 1790 in Northampton County, PA. She was mother to my ancestor John Franklin Hoback as well as Wilhelm, Jacob, David. George, Peter, Polly or Peggy, Martha, Betsy, and Joseph Hoback.


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